Friendly Patch Holiday Gift Guide: A Patch For Everyone In the Family

Friendly Patch Holiday Gift Guide: A Patch For Everyone In the Family

The holidays are quickly approaching.

Getting everyone in the family a thoughtful, unique gift can feel overwhelming. The good news is we’ve curated this gift guide to bring ease to the bustle of the holiday season. Vitamin patches are the gift of nourishment that keeps on giving—wherever you are and whatever you are doing—you are taken care of, and it’s the perfect gift for the people you care about in your life.

This guide was created with you in mind, and luckily, you can stock up for each member of your family, and friends too, in one place—there’s a patch for everyone (and they make awesome stocking stuffers for women and men).

Holiday Gift Guide:

For The Stressed Achiever

Recommended Patches: Zen stress patch, Boost Energy Patch

The stressed achiever always has everything in their lives and others’ handled, taken care of. They are working to make the world a better place, to effect positive change. They are the mom and dad leading the family, the man and woman working late hours to provide a solution and support the ones they love in their lives; it’s the elementary school teacher who also teaches yoga to the community. They are the multi-job, early, and late rising heroes who are thinking about and working for others. Now let’s take care of them this holiday season by gifting them the calming Zen patch, the energy Boost patch, and the Daily nutrient-dense patch to support them as they keep on breaking barriers and proving the impossible possible.

For The Zen Vegan

Recommend Patches: Men Vitamin Patch, Zen Stress Patch

The vegans and vegetarians in the family who are going without meat for the environment, for the animals, need to be nourished too. Ensure these change-makers of the world are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to thrive by gifting them the Daily multi-patch and Zen patch. With loads of B vitamins, this patch has what they need.

For The Insomniac Night Owl

Recommended Patches: Snooze Sleep PatchZen Stress Patch

The insomniac Night Owls of the world struggle when the sun sinks into the horizon. Anxiety sets in and they know their body needs rest, but as the hours tick by, they are still awake, toiling away in hopes that soon they will fall into a slumber. With each passing hour, the anxiety builds. How will they be rested for the day if they can’t sleep now? Support those who have a unique sleep schedule, whether due to shift work or the depths of anxiety, to get some shut-eye. Gift them the Snoozzze and Zen patches for optimal relaxation and a couple of z’s. With slow-release technology, these patches work from the moment they are applied before going to bed until waking up in the morning.

For The People-Loving Socialite

Recommended Patches: Shield Immunity PatchBoost Energy PatchZen Stress Patch

You can’t keep extraverts inside. Make sure the family socialites are taken care of and protected with the immune-boosting Shield patch, the energy Boosting Boost patch, and the calming Zen patch for when they can’t make it out. They are easy to apply before leaving the house and they stay active for hours after you get home. Protect your loved ones this holiday season.

For The Men Of The Family

Recommended Patches: Men Vitamin Patch

Take care of the men in your life by gifting them a nutrient-dense, slow-releasing daily multivitamin patch for the holidays. This vitamin-packed patch has all the micronutrients men need to support the natural, daily functions of their bodies, from their skin to their hearts and bones. The Daily patch is the gift of health that keeps on giving.

For The Women Of The Family

Recommended Patches: Women Vitamin Patch

Take care of the women in your life by gifting them a nutrient-dense, slow-releasing daily multivitamin patch for the holidays. This vitamin-packed patch has all the micronutrients women need to support the natural, daily functions of their bodies, from their skin to their hearts and bones. The Daily patch is the gift of health that keeps on giving, and it’s the perfect accessory to pair with this season's new stylish staples.

For The Drinkers In The Family

Recommend Patches: Last Call hangover Patch

Before we start holiday boozing, there is a special patch for all the drinkers out there to ease the holiday hangovers. The Last Call patch prevents and relieves the heavy, sluggish after-effects of a fun night out or a fun night in surrounded by family. With all-natural ingredients, the Last Call patch packs a  big 1-2 punch in knocking out hangover symptoms and preventing them.

For The Kids’ Table

Recommend Patches: Kids Vitamin Patch

There are even patches for the kids. Check out the Sweet Dreams patch for restless sleepers and the Daily for kids to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need for their development. Skip the scrunched faces while you try to get them to swallow pills and bypass the extra sugar they would be consuming from gummy vitamins. The patch allows your kids to be kids while getting the nutrients they need to thrive.

For The Travelers And Digital Nomads

Recommended Patch: Shield Immunity Patch, Boost Energy Patch

For the wanderers who prefer living their lives in hundreds of different countries, exploring and discovering. For those hungry for an adventure, the Shield patch will help support a healthy immune system while they explore different destinations. The boost will give them the extra energy they need while the Last Call will come in clutch if it’s a boozy trip.

For The Studious Hard Workers & College Students Who Are Home For The Holidays

Recommended Patches: Snoozzze, Zen, Boost

For the ones studying hard and wrapping up finals before the holidays, they could use a little extra relaxation with our all-natural Zen patch and some extra shut-eye with our Snoozzze patch. Spoil those studious ones with some juicy self-care during their time off.

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